"Release Yourself"

Welcome to "Release Yourself". I am pleased and honored that you have decided to follow me as we journey together to gain wisdom, respect, love, peace and inspiration. I encourage you to leave any comments, ask any questions, or even if you have a topic that you would like to have posted and discussed, please feel free to contact me and we can do so. Once again, thank you for supporting "Release Yourself"

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Hello Release Yourself Family, and once again, as always, thanks for dropping by. This post was sent to me through a dream, yeah a dream...I was a little skeptical about posting it, so I had to wait on confirmation from my almighty. So here it goes......

1.     It takes a woman 3-5 years to find out that her co-worker or acquaintance is being physically and mentally abused by her or his lover or spouse.
2.     3-5 tears will fall from a woman’s eye when she’s hurt, but it will take 3-5 months before she will get over the pain of being hurt
3.     A young girl will fall in love 3-5 times from Jr. High to High School
4.     It takes a man 3-5 years to lose some interest in his significant other or wife in some cases.
5.     A man will date 3-5 women at one time and the other women will never know about one another
6.     It takes a woman or man 3-5 years to learn that their spouse or significant other has been unfaithful to him or her.
7.     It takes a woman/or man 3-5 years to earn a degree
8.     It takes a child 3-5 years to learn the basics of mommy and daddy
9.     It takes 3-5 years to learn your place in a new environment or society
10.   It takes 3-5 months for a divorce to become final in most cases
11.   It takes 3-5 months for an expected mother to feel the first movements of her unborn child
12.   It takes 3-5 weeks to close on a new home
13.   It takes 3-5 weeks to potty train a child
14.   It takes 3-5 weeks to receive a mail subscription for a magazine or book
15.   It takes 3-5 days to receive results from a drug test or any blood test
16.   It takes 3-5 days for orientation on a new job
17.   It takes 3-5 hours for a business meeting, seminar or conference in most cases or 3-5 days in others
18.  A woman will wear shoes with a 3-5 inch heel
19.   It takes 3-5 mins for a man to introduce you as “his girl” when he’s feeling you, and 3-5 months to introduce you as a “friend” to his boys, if you are only a friend with benefits
20.   The first 3-5 mins of a job interview will determine by the employer whether or not he or she will hire you
21.   Every 3-5 mins someone dies alone broken hearted
22.   Every 3-5 mins a person dies from a drug overdose
23.   Every 3-5 mins a child is being abused, sexually or physically
24.   It takes only 3-5 mins to spread gossip on a person or persons
25.   It takes 3-5 mins to make a decision that you affect you for the rest of your life.
26.   The first 3-5 mins of a conversation will determine if the person wants to continue to converse with you or not
27.  It takes 3-5 mins for a woman to become pregnant
28.  It takes 3-5 mins for your lover to infect you with a deadly disease
29.  It takes 3-5 mins for a man to choose to walk out on you
30.  It takes 3-5 mins for a man to know whether or not he is going to have sex with you during your first personal conversation
31.  It takes 3-5 mins for a woman to be sexually assaulted in her home by a man she is acquainted with
32.  It takes less than 3 mins to say “I’m sorry”
33.  It takes 3-5 seconds to send /receive an email
34.  It takes 3-5 seconds to tell a lie and from 3-5 weeks to 3-5 months to clean it up
35.  It takes 3 seconds to tell the devil to flee

I could go on and on, but you get the point. But through all of the 3-5’s, the main thing is…….
“It will only take GOD a split second to clean you up and BLESS YOU!!!!

God is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending
Nothing else really matters…….

Now, as I come to a close from this post, but never from your presence, as always.....Bless someone today, and don't forget to PRAY!!!!!!Much Love
.....rcansawgirl <3

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Hello Release Yourself Family, and as always, thanks for dropping by. It has been a while since we have last talked, but I am back. Sorry for the long delay, but my fiance' has been in competition, and of course, I was the cheerleader. Some may say that a woman can speak to you through her body language as well as her mouth. Being a woman, I will agree to that. Often times, other people look at women to carry out a lot of the chores and errands, raise the kids, attend parent meetings at school, recitals, cook, read a story and to be there to give a hug when needed.

Society look at women, black women more closely than any other race alive, and at all times are we to be on our best behavior, however, you have some women that simply do not care, or otherwise don't have a clue.  When a woman or young girl defiles herself by taking drugs, drinking alcohol(to become drunk) and doing or saying things that are embarrassing yet demeaning to herself and others around her, that is hard pill to swallow. We as women must always show ourselves as royalty, queens, daughters of the most high. We should not demean or defile our bodies and our morals for a moment of pleasure, drunkenness, or becoming high. We are to always think and remember that GOD created us, our bodies, and our minds, he did not created us to prostitute ourselves, become drunken from alcohol, nor demean ourselves through sin of such nature.

Women should always be prepared to help one another with a clear and open mind, nurture each other, teach one another, and most of all, have a sober understanding of ones self. It is not GOD's will that a woman become drunken and sloppy with her mind, body, soul, and spirit. When you allow drugs, alcohol, depression and other forbidden entities to enter into your spirit, you become less aware of GOD's will for you.  Don't be a fool to the enemy, he is here to kill, steal and destroy the body of CHRIST. He does this through, drugs, depression, alcohol, and not knowing your self worth.

I encourage you to seek help, know your self worth, know that GOD is your only true master, GOD is your drug of choice, alcohol of choice, and the only man you need to fall down to. Never allow anyone or anything to drive you off the edge of no return. Drugs, Alcohol, Depression, they are of the enemy. Wake up from your bad dream, and return to your self worth. You are Queens, Royalty, and Daughters of the most high GOD.

Once again, as always, it's a pleasure to have you to stop by and pay the Release Yourself family a visit. So as I come to a close from this page, but never from your presence, Bless someone today, and don't forget to PRAY!!!!!

Much Love....

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Help or Hinder?

Hello Release Yourself Family, and as always, thanks for stopping by. I have been away for a while, school has started back, my fiance' is in training mode, and I have been developing a new attitude.

I know that sometimes we travel down different paths, and roads to get to where God wants us to be. I also know that God can place you in situations, and involve you in circumstances to see where or who you are going to call on. I know that God has placed me in a situation, as well as a loved one. We often find ourselves helping family, friends, co-workers, etc. out of their situations or circumstances, but we never thought that maybe we are hindering them from the real process that God is trying to take them through. I have been there through ups and downs, ins and outs, trying to make everything o.k.

Well, the other day, I was in my laundry room ironing my clothes for work and at that very moment, I know that God spoke to me, it was a soft whisper, but I know it was God. He told me, "all the helping and assisting that you are trying to handle, let it go, you are helping to hinder", and I said huh, and it was as plain as day. God told me I was helping to hinder the process and growth of a loved one. It was very clear to me, I was HELPING TO HINDER, OMG, I never thought I was doing that, I thought that I was helping, but in reality, I was hindering. I never want to hinder the process of GOD. So I had to step back.

Family, if you are dealing with a situation, or circumstance with someone dear and near to you, stand back, and ask the LORD what are you doing? Ask the Lord are you a hindrance, or are you helping?

As I come to a close from this page, but never from your presence, Bless someone today, and don't forget to PRAY!!!
       ............much love, smoochies......

Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Lesson Taught

I was put in a sticky situation last week, although I prayed to GOD and I know that he heard me, I am still wondering exactly what was GOD showing me, teaching me, or making me understand. Then as I talked to my mom, she gave me a hint. GOD was teaching me to trust in him COMPLETELY. We all say that we trust GOD completely, but do we?
I have to say that I can see things in a different mirror now. It amazes me that when you are being tested, what strength you can come up with, especially when you trust GOD. Lord, I thank you for your love, your spirit that dwells inside of me, the compassion that you have given me, and shown me, the words of encouragement, and the mind to believe only in you. I just never thought that I could do it, but you gave me the ability to search it out, find it, and continue on this journey. Lord I thank you from the depth of my heart, and I pray everyday, and that you will teach me more and more, grant me more and more of your HOLY SPIRIT.

Hello "Release Yourself Family", and thanks for dropping in.I believe that you have a plan for me, and I am willing to move with you. I am also DECLARING a leap of FAITH be placed inside of all my family, and friends. Lord, move right now, and prick every heart and soul that needs your touch, Father as I humbly seek your love, mercy and grace, I ask for the ability to create an atmosphere of DIVINE loyalty to you and your word, I DECLARE that every demon, devil and evil spirit be broken removed from my family, and the family of all my friends, I DECLARE love, peace, understanding, and compassion be placed in the hearts of all my family and friends family. I speak love, and DIVINE PROSPERITY be placed in and over the hearts of all mankind, PASTORS, PROPHETS, Ministers, Teachers, and Politicians, these blessing I DECLARE in the mighty name of JESUS, AMEN!

Lord, thank you for REVELATION.......Now lets all move with the HOLY SPIRIT!!!

much love.....rcansawgirl......
Bless someone today, and don't forget to PRAY!!!!!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

A Conversation With A Stranger....

Hello Release Yourself Family, and as always, thanks for dropping by. Sometimes a conversation with a stranger can awaken things inside that have been suppressed for years, but to hear certain things come from a person, can allow certain dialogue to take place. I am glad that we had that particular conversation, it gave you a moment to "Release Yourself."

Today I had a conversation with a stranger, although I know you, I know you from my past. What now, more than 20 years past. Back then you were someone I was fond of, laughed with, shopped with, or just chilled with. There were things that happened to me, and to you. There were situations, and circumstances, that overturned our relationship, have you thought about those? Today, I had a conversation with a stranger, I new you from my past, but you insist that we still have a connection, no, we do not have a connection, we are just two people that had a conversation.

I am glad that you told me that you were sorry about how things went down, and I too had to tell you that I apologize for any wrong doings I may have inflicted upon you or your feelings. I am glad that our relationship turned down the path it did, because it made me a better, bigger, and more self sufficient person. Did I believe everything that you told me in our conversation, well, that remains to be seen. Do I believe that you care? Yes, I believe that, but the other things said, again, that remains to be seen. Even though we new each-other then, we don't really know each-other now, we are just two people having a conversation.

Emotions......no.....there are know emotional ties, we are just strangers having a conversation. You said some profound things to me, I am glad that I am woman enough to not allow those things to suck me into something that will never be. A conversation with a stranger, I knew you from my past, but I don't know you now. We only have conversation.............not a connection...........A Conversation With A Stranger, I knew you then, I don't know you now!

Until next time, I love you all, and remember to, Bless someone today, and don't forget to PRAY!!!!!
        Much love .....Smoochies......
............rcansawgirl....... :-)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

I Don't Hate You, I Just Hate What You Do....

Hello Release Yourself Family, and as always, thanks for dropping by. There are oh so many stories to tell, so I will tell the truth.

You are so messy when it comes to certain situations, you are two-faced, and you keep mess going. You throw rocks and hide your hands, I can't stand that. I don't hate you, I just hate what you do. You can talk about people that you are around, and then speak and talk to them as if you have never said a word. I don't hate you, I hate what you do.

You can sometimes be the best person to sit and talk to, you are not a dummy, although you act dumb, because your conversation is not edifying, it is demeaning, ignorant, and just down right childish. You see, I don't hate you, I hate what you do.

You talk about everybody, you tell all your personal business, (for sympathy) that you really should not tell, you tell anybody else's business that they have shared with you, that's not cool. You see, I don't hate you, I hate what you do.

There comes a time in all our lives when we must give up our childish ways, and act our age. You see, I don't hate you, I hate what you do. Stop talking about things that are not going to bring joy, peace, and love into your life, stop acting like a Judas, and start acting like a child of God, you are too old to be acting the way you do. You see, I don't hate you, I just hate what you do.

Question? Do you want to spend the rest of your days by yourself, wondering why nobody wants to be around you, or do you want to spend the rest of your days with your family, and friends hanging around you, giving you love?

You see, I don't hate you, I just hate what you do. Stop the gossiping, back-biting, murmuring, and complaining.

I don't hate you, I just hate what you do...

Family, if you know someone that has this going on in their life, please stop and pray for them. I have found myself staying away from two maybe three people, because of the way they act, talk, and think. I cannot and will not surround myself with this type of energy. In order for me to move into the destiny God has ordained for me, I must remove my self from the negative forces.

If you do not have edification in your speech, have a positive and winning attitude, and love in your heart, I mean true AGAPE love, I can't be around you.

You see, I don't hate you, I just hate what you do.......

Until next time, much love... Bless someone today, and don't forget to PRAY!!!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Where Have You Been?

Hello Release Yourself Family, as always, thank you for dropping by, it is always a pleasure for you to grace me with your presence.

I have a short one for you, but pay close attention.

Where have you been? I have been looking for you...I have seen you in my dreams, as I walk from room to room, as I drive down the streets, I have been looking for  you, where have you been?

I sat outside and waited for you to drive up, I sat by the phone and waited for you to call, where have you been? I have been looking for you.

I laid awake in bed waiting for your touch, where have you been? I have been looking for you.

I have looked under the stairs and in the closets for you, and still no luck, I have been looking for you, where have you been?

I guess if I had looked in my heart, I would have found you, you have been there all the time. I knew something was there, I just never knew it was you!

That's where you been, and I was looking for you!

Dedicated to the love of my life, the man I was looking for, which was always right there, in my heart....I thank God for placing you, such a strong, adventurous, kind, intelligent, masculine, and loving man, to be my equal....

As always, Bless someone today, and don't forget to PRAY!!!!

 ....Much love.....


Thursday, June 9, 2011

I Needed Your Touch!

Hello Release Yourself Family, and as always thanks for dropping by. I find it funny, sometimes down right amazing, how God can pick us up, turn us around and give us just what we need, when we need it. For soooooo long, I wondered what to do about a lot of different circumstances, and situations that has occurred in my life. I often thought that I would die a lonely woman, only to have my son by my side, in the event my mother passed away before I did. I prayed that God would move, I just didn't think he would move in the way he did.

I simply asked him for some things, and I called myself being smart, by telling him, exactly what I wanted and how I wanted it. As the old saying goes, "Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it" Well, I got it, and he reminded me of that, when I called myself complaining of what I had. I asked the Lord for several things. But the one thing that I was very specific on, was what I wanted in a mate this go around.

I gave specifics, and believe me, he gave back. For so long I tried to fix everything and everybody myself, not knowing that I was not Mrs. FIXIT, but several folks depended on me to fix every problem, situation, circumstance, issue, etc. Well, what about me, I need some stuff too, I need help with stuff, I needed a shoulder to cry on, I need someone to listen to me when I hurt, I need somethings too!

The time came, when I thought I was loosing it, still holding a straight face, holding my composure, and still managing to keep a smile on my face, while all the time I was crying on the inside. How could these people be so selfish, I wondered, all these people that I have been there for, I allowed to cry on my shoulder, that would call me at all times of the day and night with their issues, circumstances, and situations, where were they? I felt alone and helpless, I needed to be touched, to be held, to be consoled. Oh my God, I cried, and cried, and cried. I drove around in my car not having nowhere in particular to go, just driving because I was crying and I did not have nobody to turn to or trust. All I wanted was a touch, all I wanted was someone to hug me, listen to me, console me, or just even be there.

I had to just stop and realize that the almighty GOD was in control. He wanted me to ask him for somethings, he wanted me to ask him to wrap his arms around me, and touch me. He wanted me to tell him, "I NEED YOUR TOUCH." Lord, I am asking that you pray and release all those people that are needing your touch, I am asking that you release those people as you did me, that are having to be the crutch or the MRS. FIXIT or MR. FIXIT for their family, friends, or associates. Lord please hold them with your right hand of righteousness, never to let them fall. Lord, please give them peace, peace beyond belief, give them favor, favor in their homes, jobs, and relationships. Give them the understanding that they can detach themselves from negative spirits, people or talk, deliver them as you did me, and give them the ability to ask for YOUR TOUCH. Please keep your hedge of protection around them and their families. Father, as I close this prayer, I will magnify your HOLY name, and give you all the praises and glory. In Jesus name, AMEN!!!!

Thank you father, because I NEEDED YOUR TOUCH!!!

As always and until next time...Bless someone today, and don't forget to PRAY!!!!!
................Much love, smoochies...........

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

My Reason

Hello "Release Yourself Family". Everyone has a reason and a season, are you prepared for your REASON? If so, then pay attention to all the signs, God will prepare you for your REASON.

Sometimes we come to crossroads in our life and we meet certain people, sometimes those people are there for a season and a reason. Don't allow people that come into your life for that season to remain in your life for a lifetime, this can be very damaging to you and your spirit. You will know those people who are only in your life for a season, they would have thought you things that you didn't know, make you feel a certain way, you did not know that you could feel, but then the DRAMA starts, and the controlling spirits, and negativity, OK, it's time to move on, they are your SEASON.

But then comes your future, your longivity, your balance, your other half, your best-friend, your lover, your King, your inspiration, your DESTINATION. Be careful in picking your seasons and reasons. My Rod is the REASON I feel free, loved, inspired, protected, ambitious, and most of all appreciated.

If someone comes into your life and they are not contributing positive factors, then you know they are only there for a season, move fast, and pray hard, God will deliver, he's always on time. He will show up and show out. It's amazing I had to travel from Arkansas, through Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and then Georgia, to find my REASON. He is the reason God placed me in Georgia.

Get rid of the negative energy and produce the positive forces and watch your life move in the direction God has for you to move into.

Thank you Lord for sending me your vessel that you prepared for me, Rod.

Family, if you have any doubts about your reason and the season, talk to GOD, he can tell you anything you want to know, just be prepared to get some answers you may not agree with. GOD will never lead you down the wrong path, but sometimes he will lead you through a LONG path.

Until later, Bless Someone Today, and Don't Forget To PRAY!!!!!
..............Much Love........Smoochies....

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Reflections~A Mother~Please Don't Go....

Hello to my Release Yourself Family, I got a little something for you. I hope that I don't step on know toes, but if this hurts, just say, "Ouch" and keep moving.

When the Lord allowed my eyes to fly open this morning, I laid in bed thanking him for another day. But in the midst of all that, I had time to reflect. Reflect on yesterday. Reflect on what it truly means about reflections, memories, the past, the present and the future. Reflect what it truly means to be thankful, what it means to be a mother, a sister, a friend, a daughter, a niece, a child of God, etc. And the one thing that sticks out in my mind is... how can a woman just walk away and leave her child(ren)?

That is a million dollar question. I know that there are circumstances that may warrant a woman to leave her child(ren) with a grandmother, father, aunt, etc., Such as, jobs,(moving, relocating to get established to go BACK and get your child(ren), military(when you have to leave to serve your country), Addiction(when you can't care for yourself, much less your child(ren). But to just down right leave them, because your butt is to sorry, too selfish, too childish, too lazy, too STUPID, yes I said it, STUPID, to be a mother and care for your child(ren). You women that do that, YOU give the term Mother, Wife, Sister, or AUNT a BAD NAME.

Yes, you, those of you that walk off because you are wanting to live the "foot loose and fancy free life" without having to answer to your child(ren) about being hungry, needing new shoes, needing a mothers touch, needing mom at the muffins for moms, needing to depend upon you for that mother daughter talk..all because you just wanna do you. Yeah, you women, that think that it's ok, to just call only on birthdays, Christmas, maybe Thanksgiving, or to only send a card on birthdays. What ever happen to the woman that GOD created? Did you forget? Did you forget at the end of the day, and the end of time, you must give account to the reason(s) why you left your child(ren)? Did you forget what the BIBLE says about Mothers, and Women?

Did you forget, that for 9 months you carried a life inside of you, that you could not put down? Did you forget about the bond that you established and created when you were carrying that child(ren)? Or, did you ever establish and create a bond? It is so typical for a man to walk off, (not saying there are not any good men out there, but it's typical for the man to walk off.) But to just walk off and leave without some type of explaination, other than, "you just don't want to be a mother, and wife anymore" YOU ARE SORRY, YOU ARE A SORRY EXCUSE FOR THE TERM MOTHER, WIFE, OR AUNT. Yes, I am very upset, as well as hurt right now, I am upset for all the young girls, or ladies, that your mothers walked out on you, left you motherless, I am upset for all the girls or young ladies that had to grow up without a mother in the home, due to the fact the mother just did not want to be there.

To all the girls and young ladies, I WANT TO APOLOGIZE TO YOU FOR THEIR ACTIONS AND INABILITY TO STAND UP TO THE TERM, MOTHER, WIFE, OR AUNT. As I stated earlier, I had the opportunity to reflect on yesterday. I have 2 small nieces, that are the epitomi of the term SMART. I am proud to be called Auntie by those two. I witnessed yesterday, how she received every award that was given out, except 1. I witnessed her walking across that stage more than one time, more than two times, more than three times. And I thought to myself, I would not have missed this for the world! just being an Aunt made me proud, and I remembered how I felt at all my child's graduations, all the way up to his High School Graduation. WOW!!! I was so proud of him and his accomplishments, I was proud to be his mother.

One day you will want all these precious moments back, and you will not be able to get them, one day, you will want to be a part of their lives, and you will not be received. Don't be mad or sad when that happen, because remember, you walked out and left your child(ren). The Bible says, "God grants some women the unique honor and blessing of becoming mothers. When you have a child(ren), hold them, love them, care for them and empower them. Psalm 71:6.

I forgive you, I cannot harbor angry or ill feelings in my heart for you, I can only pray, and continue to be a LIKE-MOTHER to my nieces, but I do hope and pray that you find it in your heart to forgive yourself, for walking out on your child(ren). Ask God for guidance, and ask your child(ren) for forgiveness.

Until next time, much love......
...........Bless someone today and don't forget to PRAY!....

Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Change Is Gonna Come....

Good evening "Release Yourself"  Family. This was laid on my heart from a conversation I had with a dear friend. I wanted to express my feelings on it, because the person we were conversing about is very dear and near to me.I feel so compelled to help, but I know that this is a job for God. But I can at least Release Myself about it.

As I sit and think about the way that people act, the things people do, I often wonder, do they have a conscious. People often talk about the way other people wear their hair, their clothes, shoes, etc. Then I wonder, are you so unhappy in your own skin until you have to talk about and demean, degrade, belittle and disregard the other person’s feelings? Are you so unhappy with yourself, until you have to make yourself feel superior, inferior, or more than the person with whom you are trying to attack verbally, emotionally, and forcefully. Are you so unhappy with yourself until you have to over-talk, under-mind, intimidate, and slash their way of thinking?

Why are you that unhappy? Are so unhappy until you have to ingest alcohol, and drugs into your body, give your body to men freely, which is Gods temple. Are you that unhappy? Could it be because you know that could be more than what and how you really are? You see, A CHANGE IS GONNA COME. Are you so unhappy because you have been branded as "Damaged Goods"? Are you so unhappy because someone or something has belittled, demeaned, disregarded, degraded, verbally, emotionally forcefully, over-talked you, intimidated, and under-minded you? Is this the affliction you are trying to inflict on someone else? You see A CHANGE IS GONNA COME. Are you trying to hurt everyone, because you were hurt? A CHANGE IS GONNA COME.

Well guess what. All these things and more can be removed from your spirit, just as they were delivered to your spirit. But it's going to take you understanding that if these things were done to you in the past that is exactly where they must stay, IN THE PAST! Today is a new day. Ask God, NO, DECLARE TO GOD AND THE ATMOSPHERE that these demon spirits be gone from your temple, which is your body, DECLARE A NEW THING IN JESUS CHRIST, and watch the manifestations of the Lord. But, once again, A CHANGE IS GONNA COME..there are some things that you must do...... (1) You must go to God in sincere PRAYER (2) You must ask for forgiveness for all of the afflictions that you have afflicted upon someone else, and be sincere about it (3) Cleanse your body from alcohol, and illicit drugs (4) Remove yourself from the places and things for which had you in bondage (5) Stay in CONSTANT PRAYER with prayer warriors. In order to stop the pain, we must first stop the hurt. Stop hurting and start healing, God is waiting for you to call upon him for his help. You have tried everything else; now try the only true remedy. A CHANGE IS GONNA COME..He's waiting. Did you know that Satan throws us baits, it's up to us weather or not we want to nibble, and being offended by the people who has offended us, is a BAIT OF SATAN. GET RID OF HIM....

Let us pray........

Now Lord I come humbly asking that if there is someone reading this note, and they are having these issues, or these spirits of offense and unhappiness has constipated their lives, I pray and DECLARE that all evilness, betrayal, selfishness, and unforgiveness be removed from your child. Give this person a since of peace, give this person love and forgiveness, pick this person up where they are torn down, hold them with your mighty right hand of righteousness. Father, I am asking that as a child of God, your child, that you open them up, and pour more of you inside of them, so that they may be able to give you all the glory and all the praise. Father give them peace, peace beyond thought, and father I declare that there will be no more lack, lack of finances, lack of jobs, lack of love, lack of peace, lack of your loving grace and mercy, I DECLARE IT RIGHT NOW IN THE NAME OF JESUS, HALLELUJAH, AND THANK YOU JESUS. And father as I come to a close from this prayer and note, but never from your holy spirit, please have mercy upon our souls. AMEN and Thank You Jesus!

May your soul rest in peace!


Much Love.....Bless someone today and don't forget to PRAY!

Monday, May 16, 2011

A Song In My Spirit!

Good evening "Release Yourself" Fam...As we all know, God awakens us every morning to see a brand new day that we have never seen before. But this morning when I was awakened (by God of course), I was singing a song out loud....besides God, I guess the song that was being sung out loud woke me from a deep sleep. That song was "Great Is your Mercy", Donnie McClurkin.

I know that God has placed that song down inside of me, because I prayed and asked God to give me a song to help me through, and I know that this is the song he gave me. How do I know? Because I know his touch, I can hear him when he speaks to me, I know his voice, and when I am feeling despair, lonely, or even frustrated, that song comes to mind, and I seem to forget about the loneliness, the feelings of despair, and the frustration.

Ask God to put a song in your heart, and sing it to the top of your voice, even if it wakes you up from a deep sleep....he has awakened your SPIRIT!

Family, be blessed, and bless someone today, and never, never, never forget to PRAY!!!

Great is your mercy towards me, your loving kindness towards me, your tender mercies I see, day after day, forever faithful towards me, you're always providing for me, great is your mercy towards me, great is your great!

Thank You Lord!


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Envy~Why Are You Envious?

Hello "Release Yourself" family. I have just a few things to clear up. It's sad but it's true, there are people that eny you, despise you, or as to go as far as to say, hate you...I am dealing with some envy, yes I said it envy. There is this person that I thought was I was close to, but the more I am around her and I listen to her dialect, I find out that she is envious of someone, and it's sad to say, that person is ME.

Now, I can't begain to tell you why this person is so envious of me, because she hasd so much more than I do, she has a big house, she makes more on her job than I do, she has a title on her job, that I have strived to achieve. But this lady, she always seems to look at me funny when other people and I are talking about our good fortune, and the things that God has blessed us with. She always hassomething to complain about, and it's always negative energy, wheather it's a good day, or a bad day, SHE COMPLAINS REGARDLESS. He presence in a room has become foul....I have prayed and asked God to open her up, and pour more of him inside of her so that she too can be more Christ-like and stop the negativity and envy.

I am not going to actually get into all the things that she says or does, but it's envy for sure. I will say this. When I go to work, my clothes are clean and pressed, my hair is done to the "T", I know my job inside and out, and I am confident in my job, just to say a few. But no matter what I do, how I dress, or what I seem to accomplish whether iot be on the job or in my personal life, she finds something negative to say. ENVY?

Envy, well lets just say, God says "Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, and is not puffed jup; does not benhave rudely; does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil."

If you are envious of a person, remember you are commiting a sin, and God says you to can have all that your heart desires, only for the asking.

I tell you, do not be envious of anyone, for what ever state you are in, rejoice and be glad. You can fool some people some of the time, but not all the people all the time, and GOD none of the time.

It is because of you haters, you enviuos peeps, and those who said that I couldn't and wouldn't, you are the reason why I did. Stop the ENVY! get some love hin your heart, and you too can have it all!

Thank you family for stopping by,
        Bless someone today, and don't forget to PRAY!!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

I Have A Memory....This Man..

Hello "Release Yourself" family. Time for another one, this one is a dedication to my man........Here we go, and I hope you  enjoy
Last night I was with my black man and I have a memory.
I have a memory of his brown skin
I have a memory of himself in my self...

Yes, I have a memory.

I have a memory of his strong body his lean body, yes of his feeling
of my hands on him, his broad shoulders, his clean back...

I have a memory.

But I have a memory of his self, soul, spirit, flesh and all coming and going like some kind of god.
I have a memory a very rich memory of this man's love.

And I will always have a memory of his sweet charm, his warm kisses, his wet body next to mine.
I'll have a memory of this man's manness all my life.

My memory...My man...Rod...

Bless someone today, and don't forget to PRAY!!!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Mirror Has Eyes

Hello "Release Yourself" family. This post is a little different, it's not mine, but I can identify with it. A friend of mine sent this to me, because she told me that she had been going on the blog reading my post, and she felt compelled and inspired to share this with me. Although she sent this to me in an email, I graciously called her back, and asked for her permission to post it on my blog, and she agreed, but she said, she didn't even have a title for it. I read it again, and thought for a title......"The Mirror Has Eyes" As I stated earlier, I can truly identify with her, because of all the pain, hurt, and betrayal I have experienced in my life. So, OK family, here it is:

Sitting here I have a desire to share one of my many experiences that have taught me to love. I ponder on what to title it. Hmm! I could say "Learning to love myself" or " Just loving me". I can't decide. Anyway. A few years ago a friend asked me to look in the mirror and ask myself do I like what I see. I considered this a strange suggestion. I look at myself everyday. Washing my face, brushing my teeth, those daily things. One morning standing in front of the mirror I look - same eyes, nose, mouth. But as I looked closer I was not prepared for what I saw. There in the mirror, eyes staring back at me was a haunted look. As I moved up even closer, I could see a hurting person. The eyes were filled with shame, regrets, guilt, resentments, disappointments, just to name a few. Eyes which revealed feelings of loneliness, despair and yes sometimes hopelessness. I realized at that moment that not only didn't I like what I saw, I didn't love me. The first thing that came to mind is "how can I not like myself?". I have sympathy and compassion, and I'm a caring person.

I love and like other people and they seem to like me. But the eyes said what about me? You don't love me! Deep down you don't think I'm worthy of love. How can you love others but you can't love me? My soul cried out "WHAT ABOUT ME"? I fell to my knees and began to pray, "Father help me, help me see what You see. I want to love me. I had to get really honest with GOD - confusing all, the starting point of letting go. Letting go of the past hurts and feelings of being a failure and the present fears and fears of failing. I pulled out HIS love letters to me/my bible and began to read what HE says about me. Because of LOVE HE died for me! Because of LOVE HE rose for me! Because of LOVE HE provides, protects, comforts and guides me. JESUS loves me inspite of all my faults and fears. Because of LOVE HE is my "I AM".   All that I would ever need.

How can I not love me? How can I even think that I'm not worthy of love? It has been a long road of digging out and letting go but now, I DO LOVE ME. I wake up every morning and step to my mirror and say "JESUS LOVES YOU AND SO DO I". Even those days when I'm tired, not feeling well or just blah I know that I am loved.

Now "Release Yourself"" family.....After reading that, all could not say is, "WOW".. I want to thank my friend for allowing me to post such personal, but yet such a heart filling message. Thanks PWhitty, I love you girl, and I think that you are a beautiful person in and out!

In the mighty words of rcansawgirl, "Much love to you, bless someone today, and don't forget to PRAY!"

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Hello "Release Yourself" Family, this is a very touchy topic to me, because of the abuse that some of us have gone through. I hope you enjoy....

Two people that are suppose to love and care for each other don't threaten, degrade, demean, disgrace, cuss, compare them to, continue to make each other feel belittled or stupid. They are suppose to inspire, encourage, uplift, stand by, love, laugh, be joyous with, and most of all share their lives in PEACE with each other. If one of you died tonight, how would you feel if the last words you spoke to the other person was negative, mean or just down right UGLY!  U Better stop before God stops you in your tracks. Life is so short for we as people to always be degrading.

Men, stop hitting your women. Women stop badgering & hitting your men. It is no excuse for a man to hit a woman, and women, just because you are women, don't think that a man will not hit you, because he will. Even if a man was raised to NOT hit a woman, believe me, he will hit you.

Women, stop compairing your present man to your last man, if your last man was not good for you in many ways, don't carry that baggage into the relationship that you have now and stop the name calling, you are running that man else where----mentally, physically, emotionally, and sexually.

Men...if the last woman you had was not good for you in many ways, don't carry your overnight bag with you into a new relationship, you will be looking at the same results.

It is so important to love and nurture each other....But it is most important to treat GOD's children as gold.  If you are demeaning, disgracing, and doing all the negatives, to each other, then remember one thing......you are doing those things to GOD, because GOD made us ALL!!!

*I pray for everyone that has gone through or that is going through a bad or abusive relationship that you will find the courage to remove yourselves and seek the grace of God. I pray that no one finds themselves killing, or being killed because the abuse was so intense, they felt there was noway out or that anger evolved you so much that you killed. I pray that you will realized that you are somebody, and that "No weapon formed against you shall prosper, " and God loves you. Please be encouraged, and seek God's love that he has for you......Amen!

Much love....Smoochies...
Bless someone today, and don't forget to PRAY!!!!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

My Child

Hello "Release Yourself" family. This post is dedicated to my son, Jonathan Rayford, my one and only. As days, months, years, hours, and minutes go by, I reflect on how I have looked at people, things, situations, joy and pain. But most of all, I look at how I have raised or parented my child. And the words which always comes out my mouth when I am speaking about my child is, " I thank God for giving me grace, I thank God for helping me raise a child who is not on drugs, robbing or stealing for a living, selling drugs for a living, he's not an alcoholic, and he's not a drug addict, he has a legal job where he punches a time clock everyday, he does not have a bunch of kids running around by a bunch of different baby mama's, and he still respects me as "Mama". So yes, I thank the MAN ABOVE~MY GOD!

I have tried to do the right thing by him, I have been a single parent for 20 years, even though I was married, I was still a single parent, because that was not Jonathan biological father. Don't get me wrong, he was a good dad to Jonathan, but I was still Mama and Daddy, because at the end of the day, he was looking at me for protection, food, clothing, love and affection. There were many times when I cried to God seeking for direction and understanding, and because of my faith in him, I feel I succeeded in doing what I sat out to do. I raised a good, respectable, God fearing, lovable, and honest young man. Thank you Lord, it was the Lord, and only him...

Jonathan told me the other day, an older gentleman on his job questioned him as to why he works 2 jobs. He went to ask Jon do you have kids, are you married, do you have a big automobile pymt, do you have a mortgage? As the gentleman was inquiring about all these things, he and Jon was smiling. Well of course, Jonathan's answer was NO to all the questions. Jon just smiled and told me he told the man, "My mama said, you have to work for what you want, cause aint nothing free but salvation, and in order for you to accomplish and gain what you want, you must work hard, even if it means working two jobs". That made me feel good to hear what I had preached for so many years.

I stopped by Jonathan's job, and I just happened to meet that older gentleman that Jonathan spoke of, and it brought tears to my eyes, when he (the older gentleman) told me, "You sure did raise a good man, he is one of my favorites here, and you have done a spectacular job, we need more young black men like him", All I could say is, TO GOD BE THE GLORY, and thank you sir, I love him, he's my baby...

You know parents(people), there are no excuses in giving your child(dren) back to God, he can fix, mend, and free anything or anyone. Single moms and dads, keep a hedge of protection over your child(ren), ask God for answers and guidance, YOU ARE NOT ALONE, and there are NO EXCUSES and FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION!! ©

Sunday, May 1, 2011

What's Inside Your Book?

Hello "Release Yourself"  family. Today has to do with what I am constantly looking at in our younger female gender. Sometimes we are books that people read. The cover may or may not be deceiving to readers. Don't allow your cover to determine if people will or will not read you. Be the book that someone will pick up, buy, read over and over, and would share with other friends.

Don't be the book, where the cover is not appealing and it gives the wrong impression, that's the book that needs to be bought and read, it's just the cover is tacky and unappealing.

Which book are you? ©

In order to caught the big fish, you have to throw out a good hook, but in order to be caught and made someones prize, we must prize material.

Much love to all my "Release Yourself" Family....
Bless someone today and don't forget to PRAY!!!!!

Friday, April 29, 2011

That Smell.....

Hello to all my "Release Yourself" readers, I have a little something special tonight, it's called "That Smell"......Lying in the bed, sitting at my desk, walking down the hall, driving my car, these are the things that we tend to do everyday, maybe not in this particular order, but this is a typical day for me. But this day was different, I was sitting at my desk, typing a report, and I smelled it...I finished the report and got up from my desk to walk down the hall to the vending machine to get a soda and chips and I smelled it again, went back to my office, and I continued to smell it. It was time to leave, so I was in my car driving home and I could not get that smell out of my nose(mind). Continued on to get home, to do all the things that needs to be done once you get home from work or wherever. I took a moment to just sit down, and close my eyes, and there it was again....that smell.

I realized, he has been with me all day... to work, in the hall, in the car, and back home.....that smell.....I could smell his cologne, not a strong smell, just a sweet, soft, sensual smell of my man, yes I said it, my man. I guess I was missing him  just that much. It just happened, that smell, the smell of love, the smell of your man as he lays beside you in bed, the smell of him as you are riding down the expressway in the car, the smell that has lingered with you at work, yes, that smell....the smell of him, as you are holding hands with each-other, the smell of him as he pulls the hair from over your eyes, the smell of him as he kisses you good night, and hugs you for just general purposes...yes that smell.....The smell of him when he looks you in your eyes and tell you "I LOVE YOU", hum, that smell...yes that smell....that smell, when he laughs, when he smiles, and ask you"Do you want me to massage you", yes that smell.....The smell of love.

Thank you Lord for sending me my Prayer to You! ©

Thanks again for visiting "Release Yourself"
Much Love....."rcansawgirl"

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


When you think of a King, you tend to think of Royalty....money, silver, gold, prestige, wealth, and honor. Well, I come to tell you. These things can stand for a number of people, places or things. I have a KING, and my King stands for:

N-Never selfish

There are times we all wish that we had silver, gold, wealth, prestige in our community or our village, lots of money, and to have people honor us in many ways. But if you think about it, is it all really necessary? You can have all those things and more if you just trust the Lord and pray.

I can say, I have all those things and MORE. I have a King, and I am Royalty. My King does not have a lot of money, my King does not have silver and gold, he does not carry a lot of prestige, nor honor from people afar, nor does he have much wealth (money). But I can truly say, he is a King, because he treats me like a Queen.I don't need all that to have a KING and be ROYALTY..

My wealth, is his love, my prestige, is his love, my silver and gold, is his love, my honor, is his love....I HAVE A KING AND I AM ROYALTY.....

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and he shall direct thy path.....
and you to can have a KING and be Royalty.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Letting Go

Hello and good evening to all my "Release Yourself" followers. Today is a very sensitive topic when it comes to mothers and their children. Sometimes as mothers, especially if you are a mother of only one (1) child, and you have been a single mom, it is very hard to let go. When I say "let go", I mean actually letting that child go out, move out and do his or her thang. We sometimes like to keep a close tie around their neck, so to speak. Me, I can speak from experience, I have one child, and I must say, it has been hard accepting the fact that he is growing up, and I must somehow find the courage to let him go.

I have to be able to trust that I have raised him right, to take responsibility, as well as accountability. But when I see him, I still see my baby...that I struggled so hard to raise right, that I cried so many nights with, that I ran back and forth to the hospital with, that I potted trained (by myself), that when he cried I cried, when he hurt, I hurt, and most of all, when I did not have a friend to call and talk to, I talked to him and the Lord.

He has been my best friend, next to God and my mom, we have been through thick and thin together, when I needed someone to make me laugh, there he was, when I needed someone to give me a hug, there he was, when I needed, a "hey mama", there he was, and even when I didn't need him, there he was (smile). It's been just me and him. He's 21 years old now, and guess what? I still find it hard "Letting Go".

Now Heavenly Father, I come asking that you watch over my baby, keep him safe, keep that hedge of protection around him, both day and night, give him the wisdom that I have tried for 21 long years to instill in him. Hold him with your right hand of righteousness never letting him go.

And son, I pray that you will think about everything that you do, before you decide to do it, because for every reaction, is an action, and every action is a reaction. I pray that before you decide to do something crazy, or you are unsure what to do, you ask yourself, "what would mama want me to do?", and always, always, PRAY, ask for forgiveness if you wrong someone, if you offend someone, if you hurt someone, or even if you think you may have committed a sin against them in any way. Treat a woman the way you would want another man to treat me(your mama), and continue to make me proud. But most of all call on the Lord everyday, and when your heart feels troubled, call on him, when you just need a friend, call on him, or even when you can't call me, or you don't want to call me, call on the LORD. Remember, if all fails, and you need some help, you to can always come home.

So with all this, I am asking God, to give me the strength and to find the peace of "Letting Go".
I hope for all the single mothers or fathers you find this post helpful, and maybe in your heart you to can ask God for peace and strength of "Letting Go" of that child or children.

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you, not as the world gives, 
but as I give unto you, Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid...John 14:27

Thank you for stopping by "Release Yourself"....... May God continue to bless you... and I will see you again on a different day, and please don't forget to PRAY!!


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Standing In The GAP

Dear Heavenly Father, I come as humbly as I know how, requesting and pleading the Blood of Jesus over my son, my mother, sister, brothers, neices, nephew, cousins, aunts and uncles. Father, I ask right now in the name of Jesus, that you give them peace, because Father you are Jehova Shalom, peace in their homes, on their jobs, and that everything they touch will be blessed. I pray that FAVOR will fall upon everyone that is reading this passage, I pray that there will be no LACK, everything full, running over, not enough room for, I pray for their territories to be enlarged, and blessed indeed.

I pray for Salvation, I pray that a mighty Hedge of Protection be placed around each and everyone here on  Release Me, I pray for Soulish Protection, Father that you protect our souls from the demons that lay in the darkness, and let No weapon formed against us prosper, Father it may form, but will not prosper because father you are Elohim, faithful in my covenant,

Father, I pray for the sick, and they be healed by your power, because Father we know that you can heal because you are Jehovah Rophe, my healer and Jehovah Jireh, my provider...Father as I come to close, but never far from your presence, I seek your wisdom, you said in your word, if any man lacks wisdom and ask for wisdom, he shall be granted wisdom, so right now Father, I am standing in the gap for us all, seeking wisdom, let it flow, like fresh water upon my face, let it flow Lord Jesus, let it flow, and Lord I ask that you set us free from all bondage heavenly father, set us free, because who the Son sets free, is free indeed. HALLELUJAH!!!!! GLORY TO GOD, oh what a mighty God we serve, What a might God we serve. Thank you Jesus, thank you...Lord....

Hallelujah....and ....AMEN!

Be Blessed and Be Encouraged.


Hello Release Yourself family, and Happy Resurrection Day, some may say, "Happy Easter". As we grow older and become wiser and more knowledgeable about what today really stands for, all the confetti, dresses, Easter baskets, new shoes, and dresses doesn't really seem to matter. What matters is, how we view Resurrection Day, and the true meaning. Today is one of the most important days of the year and your life. This day is the day when Our Lord and Savior rose up from the dead, moved the stone away and began to give us everlasting life. The other day of the year is the birth of Jesus Christ....We know it as Christmas...Had not been for him, where would we be?

The resurrection shows us that God is alive. He is really here. He speaks, and out of nothing calls reality into being. His presence has made a real difference here on earth. Has his presence made a real difference in your life.

If you are not sure of your salvation, you must read John 3:16....God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son so that whosoever believes in him may not be lost, but have eternal life. So in other words,  "Who the Son sets free, is Free indeed!" Have you made the choice to be FREE?

Be encouraged, and thanks for dropping by "Release Yourself"
Have A Blessed Resurrection Day, and don't forget to PRAY!!!
