"Release Yourself"

Welcome to "Release Yourself". I am pleased and honored that you have decided to follow me as we journey together to gain wisdom, respect, love, peace and inspiration. I encourage you to leave any comments, ask any questions, or even if you have a topic that you would like to have posted and discussed, please feel free to contact me and we can do so. Once again, thank you for supporting "Release Yourself"

Friday, April 29, 2011

That Smell.....

Hello to all my "Release Yourself" readers, I have a little something special tonight, it's called "That Smell"......Lying in the bed, sitting at my desk, walking down the hall, driving my car, these are the things that we tend to do everyday, maybe not in this particular order, but this is a typical day for me. But this day was different, I was sitting at my desk, typing a report, and I smelled it...I finished the report and got up from my desk to walk down the hall to the vending machine to get a soda and chips and I smelled it again, went back to my office, and I continued to smell it. It was time to leave, so I was in my car driving home and I could not get that smell out of my nose(mind). Continued on to get home, to do all the things that needs to be done once you get home from work or wherever. I took a moment to just sit down, and close my eyes, and there it was again....that smell.

I realized, he has been with me all day... to work, in the hall, in the car, and back home.....that smell.....I could smell his cologne, not a strong smell, just a sweet, soft, sensual smell of my man, yes I said it, my man. I guess I was missing him  just that much. It just happened, that smell, the smell of love, the smell of your man as he lays beside you in bed, the smell of him as you are riding down the expressway in the car, the smell that has lingered with you at work, yes, that smell....the smell of him, as you are holding hands with each-other, the smell of him as he pulls the hair from over your eyes, the smell of him as he kisses you good night, and hugs you for just general purposes...yes that smell.....The smell of him when he looks you in your eyes and tell you "I LOVE YOU", hum, that smell...yes that smell....that smell, when he laughs, when he smiles, and ask you"Do you want me to massage you", yes that smell.....The smell of love.

Thank you Lord for sending me my Prayer to You! ©

Thanks again for visiting "Release Yourself"
Much Love....."rcansawgirl"

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