"Release Yourself"

Welcome to "Release Yourself". I am pleased and honored that you have decided to follow me as we journey together to gain wisdom, respect, love, peace and inspiration. I encourage you to leave any comments, ask any questions, or even if you have a topic that you would like to have posted and discussed, please feel free to contact me and we can do so. Once again, thank you for supporting "Release Yourself"

Sunday, May 8, 2011

I Have A Memory....This Man..

Hello "Release Yourself" family. Time for another one, this one is a dedication to my man........Here we go, and I hope you  enjoy
Last night I was with my black man and I have a memory.
I have a memory of his brown skin
I have a memory of himself in my self...

Yes, I have a memory.

I have a memory of his strong body his lean body, yes of his feeling
of my hands on him, his broad shoulders, his clean back...

I have a memory.

But I have a memory of his self, soul, spirit, flesh and all coming and going like some kind of god.
I have a memory a very rich memory of this man's love.

And I will always have a memory of his sweet charm, his warm kisses, his wet body next to mine.
I'll have a memory of this man's manness all my life.

My memory...My man...Rod...

Bless someone today, and don't forget to PRAY!!!!

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