"Release Yourself"

Welcome to "Release Yourself". I am pleased and honored that you have decided to follow me as we journey together to gain wisdom, respect, love, peace and inspiration. I encourage you to leave any comments, ask any questions, or even if you have a topic that you would like to have posted and discussed, please feel free to contact me and we can do so. Once again, thank you for supporting "Release Yourself"

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Where Have You Been?

Hello Release Yourself Family, as always, thank you for dropping by, it is always a pleasure for you to grace me with your presence.

I have a short one for you, but pay close attention.

Where have you been? I have been looking for you...I have seen you in my dreams, as I walk from room to room, as I drive down the streets, I have been looking for  you, where have you been?

I sat outside and waited for you to drive up, I sat by the phone and waited for you to call, where have you been? I have been looking for you.

I laid awake in bed waiting for your touch, where have you been? I have been looking for you.

I have looked under the stairs and in the closets for you, and still no luck, I have been looking for you, where have you been?

I guess if I had looked in my heart, I would have found you, you have been there all the time. I knew something was there, I just never knew it was you!

That's where you been, and I was looking for you!

Dedicated to the love of my life, the man I was looking for, which was always right there, in my heart....I thank God for placing you, such a strong, adventurous, kind, intelligent, masculine, and loving man, to be my equal....

As always, Bless someone today, and don't forget to PRAY!!!!

 ....Much love.....


Thursday, June 9, 2011

I Needed Your Touch!

Hello Release Yourself Family, and as always thanks for dropping by. I find it funny, sometimes down right amazing, how God can pick us up, turn us around and give us just what we need, when we need it. For soooooo long, I wondered what to do about a lot of different circumstances, and situations that has occurred in my life. I often thought that I would die a lonely woman, only to have my son by my side, in the event my mother passed away before I did. I prayed that God would move, I just didn't think he would move in the way he did.

I simply asked him for some things, and I called myself being smart, by telling him, exactly what I wanted and how I wanted it. As the old saying goes, "Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it" Well, I got it, and he reminded me of that, when I called myself complaining of what I had. I asked the Lord for several things. But the one thing that I was very specific on, was what I wanted in a mate this go around.

I gave specifics, and believe me, he gave back. For so long I tried to fix everything and everybody myself, not knowing that I was not Mrs. FIXIT, but several folks depended on me to fix every problem, situation, circumstance, issue, etc. Well, what about me, I need some stuff too, I need help with stuff, I needed a shoulder to cry on, I need someone to listen to me when I hurt, I need somethings too!

The time came, when I thought I was loosing it, still holding a straight face, holding my composure, and still managing to keep a smile on my face, while all the time I was crying on the inside. How could these people be so selfish, I wondered, all these people that I have been there for, I allowed to cry on my shoulder, that would call me at all times of the day and night with their issues, circumstances, and situations, where were they? I felt alone and helpless, I needed to be touched, to be held, to be consoled. Oh my God, I cried, and cried, and cried. I drove around in my car not having nowhere in particular to go, just driving because I was crying and I did not have nobody to turn to or trust. All I wanted was a touch, all I wanted was someone to hug me, listen to me, console me, or just even be there.

I had to just stop and realize that the almighty GOD was in control. He wanted me to ask him for somethings, he wanted me to ask him to wrap his arms around me, and touch me. He wanted me to tell him, "I NEED YOUR TOUCH." Lord, I am asking that you pray and release all those people that are needing your touch, I am asking that you release those people as you did me, that are having to be the crutch or the MRS. FIXIT or MR. FIXIT for their family, friends, or associates. Lord please hold them with your right hand of righteousness, never to let them fall. Lord, please give them peace, peace beyond belief, give them favor, favor in their homes, jobs, and relationships. Give them the understanding that they can detach themselves from negative spirits, people or talk, deliver them as you did me, and give them the ability to ask for YOUR TOUCH. Please keep your hedge of protection around them and their families. Father, as I close this prayer, I will magnify your HOLY name, and give you all the praises and glory. In Jesus name, AMEN!!!!

Thank you father, because I NEEDED YOUR TOUCH!!!

As always and until next time...Bless someone today, and don't forget to PRAY!!!!!
................Much love, smoochies...........

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

My Reason

Hello "Release Yourself Family". Everyone has a reason and a season, are you prepared for your REASON? If so, then pay attention to all the signs, God will prepare you for your REASON.

Sometimes we come to crossroads in our life and we meet certain people, sometimes those people are there for a season and a reason. Don't allow people that come into your life for that season to remain in your life for a lifetime, this can be very damaging to you and your spirit. You will know those people who are only in your life for a season, they would have thought you things that you didn't know, make you feel a certain way, you did not know that you could feel, but then the DRAMA starts, and the controlling spirits, and negativity, OK, it's time to move on, they are your SEASON.

But then comes your future, your longivity, your balance, your other half, your best-friend, your lover, your King, your inspiration, your DESTINATION. Be careful in picking your seasons and reasons. My Rod is the REASON I feel free, loved, inspired, protected, ambitious, and most of all appreciated.

If someone comes into your life and they are not contributing positive factors, then you know they are only there for a season, move fast, and pray hard, God will deliver, he's always on time. He will show up and show out. It's amazing I had to travel from Arkansas, through Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and then Georgia, to find my REASON. He is the reason God placed me in Georgia.

Get rid of the negative energy and produce the positive forces and watch your life move in the direction God has for you to move into.

Thank you Lord for sending me your vessel that you prepared for me, Rod.

Family, if you have any doubts about your reason and the season, talk to GOD, he can tell you anything you want to know, just be prepared to get some answers you may not agree with. GOD will never lead you down the wrong path, but sometimes he will lead you through a LONG path.

Until later, Bless Someone Today, and Don't Forget To PRAY!!!!!
..............Much Love........Smoochies....