"Release Yourself"

Welcome to "Release Yourself". I am pleased and honored that you have decided to follow me as we journey together to gain wisdom, respect, love, peace and inspiration. I encourage you to leave any comments, ask any questions, or even if you have a topic that you would like to have posted and discussed, please feel free to contact me and we can do so. Once again, thank you for supporting "Release Yourself"

Saturday, February 16, 2013


Hello Release Yourself Family, and as always, thanks for stopping by. It has been quite a journey for me these past few months. Back in October, I think I may have mentioned it to you, but for those of you who do not know, I had knee surgery. I was released to go back to work on January 7, 2013, with very light duty, so my Administrator assigned me only with three days, Monday, Tuesday, and Fridays. I am cool with this, because it keeps me from standing and walking too much.

Anyway, today is not a reflection of my journey with my surgery, that is another segment by itself. Today is about a woman that I know that has almost completely destroyed her most precious gift from GOD.....her children, and their significant others, their children, and some of her sisters, brothers and nieces.This woman has done and will do just about anything for attention, whether the attention is bad or good, she will do it. She wants that attention, to the point of going to the hospital, pretending of shortness of breathe, chest pains, vision in her eyes, you name it, she will get it, and use it for attention. If there is someone else that may be getting more attention than what she feels she may not be getting, oh, it's on......she is in full attention mode. On Friday, February 15, 2013, she was transported to the ER via ambulance, because of attention, or shall I say, and Affliction............yes, Affliction.

After experiencing all the "excitement" I was feeling a bit overwhelmed and a little full, so please bare with me as I dialogue. This woman has gone to the ER several times and each time, they cannot find anything wrong with her. To me this is a classic symptom of "it's in your head" Many times she has pretended to have chest pains, headaches, blurred or no vision, just to seek attention. She goes on rampages of verbal abuse, and shouting matches with her sons, and others that may associate with her sons or anyone else that she can target to get her point across. She has manipulated her mother to thinking that she is innocent to what everyone else sees, or says about her. She has managed to make her mother "feel sorry" for her in ways that no one can get through to her (her mother). I have had enough of her manipulation, lies, deceit, constant mood swings and crazy behavior. There needs to be a full intervention.

Well family, I have a question. Have you ever come across a person who will do just about anything or say anything to get attention from the people that surrounds him/her, even if it means almost destroying the relationships of others just to get all the attention or some attention? Well I have, and as this situation transpired, I was quickly reminded of a passage on Afflictions that I had read in a book some months ago. The passage reads like this:
An affliction is a pathological (deviation from normalcy) condition of the mind, body, soul, or spirit that produces suffering, sicknesses, disease, or conditions that is difficult to treat, cure, or overcome by human interventions. The ultimate cure, of course, is divine intervention. The list of afflictions include: trials and tribulations, sorrows of the soul (depression, rejection, inferiority complex, loneliness), physical ailments, emotional hardship, misfortunes, satanically induced vexation, satanic/demonic provocation, incurable disease and sickness, adversity, abandonment, calamities and catastrophes, distress, and medical emergencies.

After remembering the passage I read on afflictions and spirits, and going to my book and re-reading it again, I quickly knew what I was seeing and may be dealing with. Then it also hit me……………this is a spirit, a spirit that is carried around on a person/people that have allowed the devil to form and forge weapons against them. What are spirits? Any child of GOD and believer knows that spirits linger around, waiting to attach themselves to those that are weak and available. We as children of GOD must be ready to recognize these weapons/spirits/afflictions that the devil is using against us, and be ready to counterattack him with the word of GOD. I was feeling a certain kinda way before I started to re-read this passage and the word of GOD. I went to Psalm 34:19 and read, and it reads this:
Psalm 34:19---Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.

Be ready to recognize these affection/spirits/and weapons of destruction that the devil is attempting to throw at GOD’s children. They are: aches, pains, arguments, competition, fear, harassment, infections, depression, disease, emotional instability, fatigue, filthy unclean thoughts and fantasies, guilt trips, isolation, loneliness, nightmares, polarized emotions, poverty, repression, suppression, and worry.

Be ready to pray and ask GOD to open the doorway to save our minds, body, souls and family.
Father, I come right now declaring and decreeing that my family and the families that surround this person are protected from all sorts of weapons and evil spirits that the devil has attempted to throw out……Father I declare healing of the mind, body, soul, spirit and finances of this person and all the people that surround. Father I come this morning declaring that the spirit ofGOD will dwell in this person with such a mighty force, that no weapon formed against them shall prosper and that all demons, devils, prince of darkness that lurks in high dark places shall be overthrown by the word and works of GOD. Father I declare that all malice, and instability be overthrown by the word ofGOD and GOD’s work. Father right now I declare love, peace, healing and salvation be restored to this person right now in the mighty name of Jesus. Father I know that all things are in the power of your hands, and Father right now I come asking that you just touch the souls, minds, and bodies of all who needs and desires your touch. Father touch those who are afflicted with the bondage of the devil, RELEASE them right now in the name of Jesus. And Father as I end this prayer, but never leave your presence, I ask for peace and love among all your people in the name of Jesus………..AMEN!

Release Yourself family, as I come to the end of the passage, but never from your presence, I pray love, peace and thanksgiving to you all.
.......Bless someone today, and don't forget to PRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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