Hello "Release Yourself" family. Today has to do with what I am constantly looking at in our younger female gender. Sometimes we are books that people read. The cover may or may not be deceiving to readers. Don't allow your cover to determine if people will or will not read you. Be the book that someone will pick up, buy, read over and over, and would share with other friends.
Don't be the book, where the cover is not appealing and it gives the wrong impression, that's the book that needs to be bought and read, it's just the cover is tacky and unappealing.
Which book are you? ©
In order to caught the big fish, you have to throw out a good hook, but in order to be caught and made someones prize, we must prize material.
Much love to all my "Release Yourself" Family....
Bless someone today and don't forget to PRAY!!!!!
A place where women can unwind and say what's on their minds. A place where women can discuss issues of their everyday lives and have a peace of serenity. A place where we can all discuss things that we have never been able to discuss because of a fear of being judged, a place to "Release Yourself" of whatever it may be.....Let us Talk, Teach, and be Taught...
"Release Yourself"
Welcome to "Release Yourself". I am pleased and honored that you have decided to follow me as we journey together to gain wisdom, respect, love, peace and inspiration. I encourage you to leave any comments, ask any questions, or even if you have a topic that you would like to have posted and discussed, please feel free to contact me and we can do so. Once again, thank you for supporting "Release Yourself"
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