Hello and welcome back to "Release Yourself". Today I will express to you the way I feel....I Feel Good. I feel this way because I have been released from bondage. I must admit, I have traveled the road a long time, and I have finally come to the end.
I Feel Good, because I can now look back and think about how damaged I was, I was harboring feeling that I did not know was there, I was feeling a certain way that I never knew I could feel. Then one morning I took a long look at myself in the bathroom mirror, and I did not like what I saw. I saw, sadness, hurt, pain, disgust, broken, and much more. I began to cry....then I heard a small voice saying to me...."My child, why are you so down on yourself?" I thought I was actually loosing my mind, but it was GOD talking to me....I went back and sat on my bed and began to weep more. I thought that my life was over. All I could think about is how may people I had helped along the way, and now that I need some help, where is everybody.
Little did I know, this was something that I had to go through by myself. I was being purged, I was being trained, I was being tested, all these things, God was creating a new woman out of me.....I was being re-BORN. As time passed, I wondered why was I going through so much...every time it became harder and harder, until it hit me....It will get harder and harder, until you learn to pass the TEST, this will be your TESTimony. It was up to me to figure out how to pass these test God was giving me...As soon I figured it out....I cried, not because I was hurt, but because I had started the process, and I knew it. The process of FAITH.
NOW, I feel good, I can hear him more and more, I can feel him more and more, I can trust him more and more, I can recognize him, more and more. As I sit here now, I feel so much joy in my heart, so much love, so much peace. GLORY!!!!!!! HALLELUJAH.....I love what he has done for me...He has wiped out pain, sorrow, hurt, low self-esteem, loneliness, and bitterness.
I FEEL GOOD, and I owe it all to GOD.
If you are feeling some kinda way, give it to God, I mean really give it to GOD, and let him purge you. I don't regret what I had to go through, it was time, it was God's plan, he has a great timing, and it was MY TIME.
Thank you for joining me on my blog, I hope that I can help in any way, I hope and pray that I can bless at least one soul....Be encouraged, and don't forget to PRAY!!!
A place where women can unwind and say what's on their minds. A place where women can discuss issues of their everyday lives and have a peace of serenity. A place where we can all discuss things that we have never been able to discuss because of a fear of being judged, a place to "Release Yourself" of whatever it may be.....Let us Talk, Teach, and be Taught...
"Release Yourself"
Welcome to "Release Yourself". I am pleased and honored that you have decided to follow me as we journey together to gain wisdom, respect, love, peace and inspiration. I encourage you to leave any comments, ask any questions, or even if you have a topic that you would like to have posted and discussed, please feel free to contact me and we can do so. Once again, thank you for supporting "Release Yourself"
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