"Release Yourself"

Welcome to "Release Yourself". I am pleased and honored that you have decided to follow me as we journey together to gain wisdom, respect, love, peace and inspiration. I encourage you to leave any comments, ask any questions, or even if you have a topic that you would like to have posted and discussed, please feel free to contact me and we can do so. Once again, thank you for supporting "Release Yourself"

Friday, April 29, 2011

That Smell.....

Hello to all my "Release Yourself" readers, I have a little something special tonight, it's called "That Smell"......Lying in the bed, sitting at my desk, walking down the hall, driving my car, these are the things that we tend to do everyday, maybe not in this particular order, but this is a typical day for me. But this day was different, I was sitting at my desk, typing a report, and I smelled it...I finished the report and got up from my desk to walk down the hall to the vending machine to get a soda and chips and I smelled it again, went back to my office, and I continued to smell it. It was time to leave, so I was in my car driving home and I could not get that smell out of my nose(mind). Continued on to get home, to do all the things that needs to be done once you get home from work or wherever. I took a moment to just sit down, and close my eyes, and there it was again....that smell.

I realized, he has been with me all day... to work, in the hall, in the car, and back home.....that smell.....I could smell his cologne, not a strong smell, just a sweet, soft, sensual smell of my man, yes I said it, my man. I guess I was missing him  just that much. It just happened, that smell, the smell of love, the smell of your man as he lays beside you in bed, the smell of him as you are riding down the expressway in the car, the smell that has lingered with you at work, yes, that smell....the smell of him, as you are holding hands with each-other, the smell of him as he pulls the hair from over your eyes, the smell of him as he kisses you good night, and hugs you for just general purposes...yes that smell.....The smell of him when he looks you in your eyes and tell you "I LOVE YOU", hum, that smell...yes that smell....that smell, when he laughs, when he smiles, and ask you"Do you want me to massage you", yes that smell.....The smell of love.

Thank you Lord for sending me my Prayer to You! ©

Thanks again for visiting "Release Yourself"
Much Love....."rcansawgirl"

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


When you think of a King, you tend to think of Royalty....money, silver, gold, prestige, wealth, and honor. Well, I come to tell you. These things can stand for a number of people, places or things. I have a KING, and my King stands for:

N-Never selfish

There are times we all wish that we had silver, gold, wealth, prestige in our community or our village, lots of money, and to have people honor us in many ways. But if you think about it, is it all really necessary? You can have all those things and more if you just trust the Lord and pray.

I can say, I have all those things and MORE. I have a King, and I am Royalty. My King does not have a lot of money, my King does not have silver and gold, he does not carry a lot of prestige, nor honor from people afar, nor does he have much wealth (money). But I can truly say, he is a King, because he treats me like a Queen.I don't need all that to have a KING and be ROYALTY..

My wealth, is his love, my prestige, is his love, my silver and gold, is his love, my honor, is his love....I HAVE A KING AND I AM ROYALTY.....

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and he shall direct thy path.....
and you to can have a KING and be Royalty.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Letting Go

Hello and good evening to all my "Release Yourself" followers. Today is a very sensitive topic when it comes to mothers and their children. Sometimes as mothers, especially if you are a mother of only one (1) child, and you have been a single mom, it is very hard to let go. When I say "let go", I mean actually letting that child go out, move out and do his or her thang. We sometimes like to keep a close tie around their neck, so to speak. Me, I can speak from experience, I have one child, and I must say, it has been hard accepting the fact that he is growing up, and I must somehow find the courage to let him go.

I have to be able to trust that I have raised him right, to take responsibility, as well as accountability. But when I see him, I still see my baby...that I struggled so hard to raise right, that I cried so many nights with, that I ran back and forth to the hospital with, that I potted trained (by myself), that when he cried I cried, when he hurt, I hurt, and most of all, when I did not have a friend to call and talk to, I talked to him and the Lord.

He has been my best friend, next to God and my mom, we have been through thick and thin together, when I needed someone to make me laugh, there he was, when I needed someone to give me a hug, there he was, when I needed, a "hey mama", there he was, and even when I didn't need him, there he was (smile). It's been just me and him. He's 21 years old now, and guess what? I still find it hard "Letting Go".

Now Heavenly Father, I come asking that you watch over my baby, keep him safe, keep that hedge of protection around him, both day and night, give him the wisdom that I have tried for 21 long years to instill in him. Hold him with your right hand of righteousness never letting him go.

And son, I pray that you will think about everything that you do, before you decide to do it, because for every reaction, is an action, and every action is a reaction. I pray that before you decide to do something crazy, or you are unsure what to do, you ask yourself, "what would mama want me to do?", and always, always, PRAY, ask for forgiveness if you wrong someone, if you offend someone, if you hurt someone, or even if you think you may have committed a sin against them in any way. Treat a woman the way you would want another man to treat me(your mama), and continue to make me proud. But most of all call on the Lord everyday, and when your heart feels troubled, call on him, when you just need a friend, call on him, or even when you can't call me, or you don't want to call me, call on the LORD. Remember, if all fails, and you need some help, you to can always come home.

So with all this, I am asking God, to give me the strength and to find the peace of "Letting Go".
I hope for all the single mothers or fathers you find this post helpful, and maybe in your heart you to can ask God for peace and strength of "Letting Go" of that child or children.

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you, not as the world gives, 
but as I give unto you, Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid...John 14:27

Thank you for stopping by "Release Yourself"....... May God continue to bless you... and I will see you again on a different day, and please don't forget to PRAY!!


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Standing In The GAP

Dear Heavenly Father, I come as humbly as I know how, requesting and pleading the Blood of Jesus over my son, my mother, sister, brothers, neices, nephew, cousins, aunts and uncles. Father, I ask right now in the name of Jesus, that you give them peace, because Father you are Jehova Shalom, peace in their homes, on their jobs, and that everything they touch will be blessed. I pray that FAVOR will fall upon everyone that is reading this passage, I pray that there will be no LACK, everything full, running over, not enough room for, I pray for their territories to be enlarged, and blessed indeed.

I pray for Salvation, I pray that a mighty Hedge of Protection be placed around each and everyone here on  Release Me, I pray for Soulish Protection, Father that you protect our souls from the demons that lay in the darkness, and let No weapon formed against us prosper, Father it may form, but will not prosper because father you are Elohim, faithful in my covenant,

Father, I pray for the sick, and they be healed by your power, because Father we know that you can heal because you are Jehovah Rophe, my healer and Jehovah Jireh, my provider...Father as I come to close, but never far from your presence, I seek your wisdom, you said in your word, if any man lacks wisdom and ask for wisdom, he shall be granted wisdom, so right now Father, I am standing in the gap for us all, seeking wisdom, let it flow, like fresh water upon my face, let it flow Lord Jesus, let it flow, and Lord I ask that you set us free from all bondage heavenly father, set us free, because who the Son sets free, is free indeed. HALLELUJAH!!!!! GLORY TO GOD, oh what a mighty God we serve, What a might God we serve. Thank you Jesus, thank you...Lord....

Hallelujah....and ....AMEN!

Be Blessed and Be Encouraged.


Hello Release Yourself family, and Happy Resurrection Day, some may say, "Happy Easter". As we grow older and become wiser and more knowledgeable about what today really stands for, all the confetti, dresses, Easter baskets, new shoes, and dresses doesn't really seem to matter. What matters is, how we view Resurrection Day, and the true meaning. Today is one of the most important days of the year and your life. This day is the day when Our Lord and Savior rose up from the dead, moved the stone away and began to give us everlasting life. The other day of the year is the birth of Jesus Christ....We know it as Christmas...Had not been for him, where would we be?

The resurrection shows us that God is alive. He is really here. He speaks, and out of nothing calls reality into being. His presence has made a real difference here on earth. Has his presence made a real difference in your life.

If you are not sure of your salvation, you must read John 3:16....God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son so that whosoever believes in him may not be lost, but have eternal life. So in other words,  "Who the Son sets free, is Free indeed!" Have you made the choice to be FREE?

Be encouraged, and thanks for dropping by "Release Yourself"
Have A Blessed Resurrection Day, and don't forget to PRAY!!!


Thursday, April 21, 2011

I Feel Good!!!

Hello and welcome back to "Release Yourself". Today I will express to you the way I feel....I Feel Good. I feel this way because I have been released from bondage. I must admit, I have traveled the road a long time, and I have finally come to the end.

I Feel Good, because I can now look back and think about how damaged I was, I was harboring feeling that I did not know was there, I was feeling a certain way that I never knew I could feel. Then one morning I took a long look at myself in the bathroom mirror, and I did not like what I saw. I saw, sadness, hurt, pain, disgust, broken, and much more. I began to cry....then I heard a small voice saying to me...."My child, why are you so down on yourself?" I thought I was actually loosing my mind, but it was GOD talking to me....I went back and sat on my bed and began to weep more. I thought that my life was over. All I could think about is how may people I had helped along the way, and now that I need some help, where is everybody.

Little did I know, this was something that I had to go through by myself. I was being purged, I was being trained, I was being tested, all these things, God was creating a new woman out of me.....I was being re-BORN. As time passed, I wondered why was I going through so much...every time it became harder and harder, until it hit me....It will get harder and harder, until you learn to pass the TEST, this will be your TESTimony. It was up to me to figure out how to pass these test God was giving me...As soon I figured it out....I cried, not because I was hurt, but because I had started the process, and I knew it. The process of FAITH.

NOW, I feel good, I can hear him more and more, I can feel him more and more, I can trust him more and more, I can recognize him, more and more. As I sit here now, I feel so much joy in my heart, so much love, so much peace. GLORY!!!!!!! HALLELUJAH.....I love what he has done for me...He has wiped out pain, sorrow, hurt, low self-esteem, loneliness, and bitterness.

I FEEL GOOD, and I owe it all to GOD.

If you are feeling some kinda way, give it to God, I mean really give it to GOD, and let him purge you. I don't regret what I had to go through, it was time, it was God's plan, he has a great timing, and it was MY TIME.

Thank you for joining me on my blog, I hope that I can help in any way, I hope and pray that I can bless at least one soul....Be encouraged, and don't forget to PRAY!!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Who Gave You That Right?

Hello family, today's topic is: "Who Gave You That Right". This came from an experience that I had on Thursday. I was at the college speaking to my advisor, getting registered for my fall classes. Everything went so well, it was like a dream. She and I had a very therapeutic conversation, and I was feeling on top of the world. We outlined all my classes up until the year I will graduate.....Oh, I was really feeling myself. We talked about everything from church, men, school, babies, and even ugly people, not ugly in sight, but ugly in spirit.

So once I left her office, I had to go to the Financial Aid office and speak to the Financial Aid person. Well, I must say, she was not as pleasant as my Academic Advisor. From the time I entered into her office, it was sheer madness. She hollered my name from inside her office, and once I got inside, she was busy doing something else.

She told me to have a seat, and I did. She also stated to me, "Go ahead and speak, I am doing this, and I can listen to you too", Well of course, you know my radar went up, because she never made eye contact with me. So I started to talk to her about my financial aid, and to ask what should I do about it, considering I am not attending summer school. She then looked over her glasses, and said, "Did you not see all the signs I have posted through the campus?" I then stated to her that I have not been on campus, I have not been taking classes on campus. So then she stated, "No excuse, did you not get an email about due date for your FAFSA" I told her NO, because I have not been receiving financial aid....

By now I am beginning to get a little annoyed with her, but keeping my GOD given cool..I decided that the conversation was over, so I played it off, and told her that I would do a little bit more research. She then got up from behind her desk and escorted me to the lobby where the other students were. But before she let me go, we somehow got on my the topic of my scheduled classes. She then took a look at them, and told me, (in so many words, you cannot take these classes, you are too dumb) These classes are not for you, you need to consider other classes. So I just looked at her. Then she asked me who was my advisor, and I told her, she turned up her nose, and said, "I want you to come back in and speak to someone else that I recommend", I knew then this was personal.

She also asked me if I told my advisor that I will be working full time too, and I told her yes. She literally went off, in front of the other students that were sitting in the lobby....once again, I am keeping my GOD given cool. I looked at one of the other students and she looked at me and dropped her head. I then told her, I will look into this. I then thanked her, turned and began to walk off. But before I got two (2) steps from her, I turned back around, looked at her, and said, "THE DEVIL IS A LIAR".

People, we must be careful what we say to each-other, Words are containers, every word spoken holds something. I am so glad that I did not accept what she tried to put into the atmosphere. My God is Bigger, Better, and Greater than she is, and besides, "WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHT" to tell me what I can't have, when my GOD has already given it to ME!

Continue to pray family, and don't allow anyone to steal your joy!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Drug Abuse

Hello all and welcome to "Release Yourself",  it has been a very good day for me today, but everyday is a good day as long as you rise up from your bed and is able to use all your limbs that the almighty GOD has given. I guess tonight I will be expressing my take on drug abuse. People often become drug abusers not thinking that they will become addicted. I am a daughter and a sister of recovering addicts. My life had been consumed with the thought that I had to do something to help. But little did I know that I could not help....I did not realize that they would have wanted the help in order to get help.

I was constantly running to their rescue, not realizing I was enabling them to be such. I have lost so much of me, trying to help them, but they would only slip back into their hole of drugs. I tried to fight that demon for them, but I could not, it only became worst because, they only wanted to be fixed for a little while, and then back off to their dungeon again. It was so bad that all I could do was to just run and hide. I was so ashamed, ashamed of what was going on, ashamed of what they had become, ashamed that the people that I loved so dearly, loved DRUGS.

The shame that had been brought over my family was almost unbearable. People laughing, talking, thinking you are like them......It was hard. I never got over the fact that my father was a drug addict. It hurt so bad....I finally found peace of mind in 2010. WOW, only a few months ago...I finally had to forgive my dad for being a drug addict. I had come to the realization that he wants to die, but is afraid of dying. If you or someone you know is dealing with a loved one that has some form of drug abuse, I encourage you to seek counseling for yourself...Whether you know it or not, you have been affected by the drug abuse just as they are.

Ladies, I encourage you to stay rooted and grounded in your word, have some shut-down time the GOD so that he can speak to you and you hear him...Make the effort to fast and pray, ask GOD to do a wonderful work inside of you, ask him to strenghten you and give you wisdom. Pray and pray some more....Even if it is not drug abuse that you maybe dealing with, ask GOD for the strength.

I love you and thanks for signing in to "Release Yourself"..
Much love

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

How Do You See Your Man?

Good evening all, tonight's topic is "How Do You See Your Man?" I guess you can say, I see him in many different ways. 1) Coming in from a long 10-12 hour day, I see him as my "Stress Reliever", he's there to run me a hot bath, massages me down once I am out, and then he asks me to tell him all about my day...Not that I always want to bring the job home, but he wants to hear about my day, whether it was good or bad, and then he's there to hold me until we both fall asleep....2) A cold winters night, I see him as my "Blanket", he's there to cover me when I am cold, protect me from the coolness of the house, and keeps me nice and toasty...3) A hot summers day, he's my big glass of "Iced Tea", always there to quench my thirst. How do you see your MAN?