Hello Release Yourself Family, and as always, thanks for stopping by. As you all may know, I have always petition the young ladies to carry themselves in a respectable fashion. It is my wishes and desire that all young ladies know who they are inside as well as outside. There is no need for you(us) to gain negative attention to ourselves or our bodies. We are children of the MOST HIGH, so with that, this is my appeal to you--
Young girls, Ladies, Teens, Tweens, Daughters, Aunts, Mothers, Brothers, and Fathers. There is an epidemic going around, and somehow we need to figure out how to stop it, if not stop it, at-least put a cap on it. In a conversation earlier today that I was almost involved in, I heard a grandmother telling her grand-daughter she could not and was not going to leave out the house with what she had on. I was not able to see what the child wanted to wear, but I'm sure if there was such a debate about it, it was not pleasing to the grandmother.
My problem today is the eye sore of so many young ladies. The provocative dress, skin tight jeans, low and nearly no cut tops, or blouses, booty-shorts and mini-mini skirts. Our young ladies are being fooled by society, the celebrity society that is, that is ok to dress in-appropriate. I hear the young girls speaking of Nicki Minaj, Beyonce', Rhianna, and many more. But to our dismay, things aren't always what they appear to be.
Young ladies, I appeal to you, to dress appropriately, you don't have to show your posterior(butt) every-time you leave home, or have your clothes skin tight, or show your breast for attention, because this is what is happening, attention. But the attention that you are receiving is the attention you should be seeking. Ok, so you say guys look at you, men whistle at you, ok......but that is negative attention. The attention you should be receiving is the attention of a gentleman, because a gentleman will not whistle at you, or call you "hey mama", a gentleman will walk up to you, and introduce himself to you, without looking at your posterior(butt), or down your blouse at your breast. He will be looking at what's on the inside of your brain. He wants to get to know you mentally, intellectually, and not physically or sexually.
Don't be fooled by the celebrity stars who wear tight articles, that's what they do, they are promoters, promoting sexually graphic lyrics, clothing, and videos. Ladies, Fathers, Brothers, Mothers, Aunts, etc. I appeal to you all, sit your daughters, nieces, cousins, and friends down, explain to them what a real man is looking for in a woman, and it's not what every other man can see on the outside.
It's ok to feel, look, and be sexy, covered up. I am 44 years old, I feel and look sexy, without showing my private areas in public. It's not cute, nor sexy to expose yourself in a negative manner. PLEASE, I cannot say it enough.....Take the time to dress appropriately before leaving the privacy of your home.Showing your thong, or your butt cheeks, is not sexy, it's down right degrading to whole woman race.
I always think about this.....If GOD was looking at me, what would I leave home looking like?
If my Aunt Vern was alive, what would she tell me? I can answer that, in her words not mine, "My ass aint no looking glass, for the world to see." I spoke of this one time before, but I guess we as parents, aunts, children of GOD can never say it enough. Ladies, clean it up, cover it up, we have daughters, nieces, and cousins looking at us daily.
Ask yourself one question.....How you you feel if your daughter, grand-daughter, niece, or cousin was sexually assaulted because of what she was wearing, and the assaulter stated, "well, the way she was dressed, I thought she was trying to give it to me."
Once again, as always, I appreciate your support, and thanks for visiting, "Release Yourself"
remember to Bless someone today, and don't forget to PRAY!!!!! Much love-------